I recently had to figure out which Functional Level goes to which Citrix version/release. I figured I would provide the full list as of Citrix 2209 along with some of the Powershell code I used to gather details.

Citrix says “The functional level controls which product features are available to machines in the catalog. Setting a minimum functional level makes all features introduced since that version available to the catalog. Machines will fail to register if they are running an earlier VDA version, unless it meets the minimum functional level.”

I for the life of me couldn’t find a Powershell command that correlated the L# versions with the specific minimum Citrix version that shows up in the GUI. If you know of a way, please let me know.


L5 = “VDA 5.6 FP1”
L7 = “VDA 7.0”
L7_6 = “VDA 7.6”
L7_7 = “VDA 7.7”
L7_8 = “VDA 7.8”
L7_9 = “VDA 7.9”
L7_20 = “VDA 1811”
L7_25 = “VDA 2003”
L7_30 = “VDA 2106”
L7_34 = “VDA 2206”
LMIN = “Earliest Available Level”
LMAX = “Latest Available Level”

Powershell Commands:

Get Functional Level of Machine Catalogs and Delivery Groups:

get-brokercatalog -Property Name,MinimumFunctionalLevel
get-brokerDesktopGroup -Property Name,MinimumFunctionalLevel

List available levels to set:


List ALL Functional Levels (no matter what version you are on)

((Get-Command Get-Brokercatalog).Parameters.Values | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "minimumfunctionallevel"}).Parametertype.DeclaredFields | Where-Object {$_.name -like "L*"}

Set Functional Levels by Specific Machine Catalogue or Delivery Group Name:

Set-BrokerDesktopGroup -Name DGname -MinimumFunctionalLevel L7_30
Set-BrokerCatalog -Name MCname -MinimumFunctionalLevel L7_30

Should Citrix do away with Functional Levels? Are they really needed? And why are they needed for Machine Catalogues AND Delivery Groups? Don’t you just expect to get the features when you upgrade the VDA? I know I do. Obviously if the VDA wasn’t upgraded, any configured Citrix Site Policies that target the VDA would not apply. Seems fair to me.

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